Since the launch, Telegram has been giving a hard time to the world’s most popular messaging app, WhatsApp. Well, this is because it is a strong alternative to it, but at the same time, it also faces some major issues regarding its privacy policies. There have been some major controversies for quite a long time which now made Telegram offer end-to-end encryption.
Presently, Telegram is one of the leading messaging service providers, along with Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
So if you’ve been meaning to log in to your Telegram account, you’re at the right place. Here, I’ve mentioned some quick and easy steps to help you log in to your telegram account via different devices.
How to Log in to Telegram Via Different Devices?
Just like any other service or app, Telegram also requires a mobile number linking and verification. The service is available for every operating system, be it Android or iOS, or Web.
Let’s start with logging into Telegram via Mobile:
Login In to Telegram Via Mobile
On a mobile phone, the Telegram app is easily available on the Google Play Store (for Android) and App Store (for iOS). Here’s how to proceed once you’ve downloaded the app:
- Launch the app and tap on the “start messaging” option.
- Select your country code and type your phone number.
- To verify the identity, enter the one-time password you received.
- Once verified, you’ll be asked to add some details.
- Add the details there.
- Click on ‘accept’ for the terms and conditions, and you’re all set to use the app.
Note: The process is the same for both, the ones who are already a user and for the new users as well. |
Moving on to the login steps for Telegram while using the Web.
Log in to Telegram Via Web
The fact that differentiates Telegram from WhatsApp is that it can be used as a standalone app. Yes, you read that right, Telegram doesn’t require its users to stay connected to a phone to operate. Let’s see how.
Here’s how you can log in to Telegram Web:
- Access the Telegram Web.
- Once you’ve logged in, follow the above steps as mentioned for logging in via mobile.
- On the Telegram Website, you will see a QR code to scan.
- To scan, open the Telegram app on your phone.
- In the top left corner of the app, click on the menu icon and select Settings.
- Click on Device and then select the Scan QR option.
- Once scanned properly, you will be able to operate your account on the Web.
Note: Telegram itself recommends using either phone or PC app for a smoother experience. |
Next, let’s see how to use the Telegram app on a Windows PC.
Log In to Telegram Via Window PC
The Telegram app can be downloaded directly from the Windows PC from the Microsoft store. Once downloaded:
- Click on the “start messaging” option.
- On the next screen, you’ll be asked to select your country code and fill in your mobile number.
- Enter the one-time password you received for verification, and you are all set to use the app.
Next is, how to Log in to Telegram on Mac.
Log In to Telegram Via Mac
The Telegram app is easily available on the macOS App Store, visit the site and download the app directly from there. Once downloaded, just follow these simple steps to proceed:
- Click on the “start messaging” option.
- On the next screen, you’ll be asked to select your country code and fill in your mobile number.
- Enter the one-time password you received for verification, and you are all set to use the app.
Note: Almost all the steps mentioned above are the same as each other, just the device and the store to download it from differs. |
Now that we’ve talked about logging into the Telegram app with all the devices, let’s also talk about some errors that you might come across while logging in.
Telegram Login Errors That People Might Face
Login errors are just something that most people don’t understand why they occur, but the truth is they are some minor mistakes that the user himself makes and then faces the consequence.
The most common login errors people face while logging in to Telegram is the
Registration Error.
While logging in, when you fill in your phone number and fill in the code, you might see a pop-up window that says “Incorrect Code. Please Try Again Later”.
Well, there is nothing to worry about in this situation. Most of the time this is because you have made some minor typing mistake while filling the code, or the other reason could be a poor internet connection.
Hence, make sure that you don’t make any typing mistakes, your internet connection is good, and you will be all good.
So, these were the steps you can use while logging in to the Telegram app via different devices.
Now that we’ve talked about everything related to logging in to the app, let’s move on to some features of the Telegram app that makes it so unique.
Features of the Telegram App
Given the immense popularity and usability of the app, it comes with some really impressive features. Where once it was a concern for the users related to their privacy and security, now it’s all about convenience and fun. Here are some of its top features:
For Web:
- Standalone Login- Unlike any other messaging app, Telegram web offers you a standalone login service by just verifying your phone number.
- Sticker Support- To make conversations even more interesting, it offers a variety of stickers.
- Chat Folders- It also allows you to organize your conversations.
- Dark Mode- Who doesn’t love a dark interface? Well, Telegram offers that too.
For PC:
- Encrypted Chats– End-to-end encryption for personal chats is something that makes Telegram fully secure and safe to use.
- BOT Support– Telegram’s services come along with bot support to give users to automate search queries.
- Animated Emojis– Animated emojis make the chat even more fun and cool.
- Scheduled/Silent Message– Telegram even allows its users to schedule a message and send it in the future.
These days, Telegram is giving its users everything they could ask for, and this is why its ranking is so high. Be it its features, usability, convenience, or anything, Telegram is making its way.